IZEA® Flex User Permissions Guide

When adding new users to your Flex organization, there are three main permission sets and then multiple secondary permission sets for each module in the IZEA® Flex platform. Each user will have their own individual permissions. 

User Type Permissions

User type permissions allow you to choose the overarching access that this specific user will have for the account or organization overall. 

Account Member

Account members are users with access to one or more accounts within the organization. You can customize the permissions for each account and the modules within each account at this permission level. Account members do not have access to organization admin features. 

  • To select the account permissions, click the toggle provided by each account. 
  • A modal will appear where you can choose the account and module permissions. 

Organization Member

Organization members are users with access to all accounts within the organization. You can customize the permissions for each of the modules and the organization admin features at this permission level. 

  • To select the permissions, click the toggle provided by each account. 
  • A modal will appear where you can choose the module permissions and organization admin features.

Organization Admins

Organization Admins are users with full access and administrative permissions for all accounts within the organization. You are not able to edit the permissions for this user type.

Secondary User Permissions

Module Permissions

Module permissions are set at the module level. Users can be given access to View, Edit, Delete or Export information from each module. You can choose to set all modules to have the same permissions or set each module individually by selecting Customize Each Module.  

Please note: If you are an Organization Admin, you will automatically be given access to all module permissions. 

  • View - Users can only view information..
  • Edit - Users can create new items or delete existing ones. Users will also be able to associate items. 
  • Delete - Users can delete items and information. 
  • Export - Users can export or download information.  

Account Admin

Account admin permissions grant the user access to view account members, manage account members, and manage the account settings. You can choose to give your users access to all of these functions or select which work best for the user. 

Organization Admin

Organization permissions will only appear if the user is an Organization Member or Organization Admin. You can choose to give your users access to all of these functions or select which work best for the user. 


Finance settings allow a user to fund accounts and also approve Direct Pay transactions. These settings directly affect your whole organization's budgets and account funding. We suggest only having one or two users with these permissions. 


Campaign settings play directly into Offers and Campaign Budget Safeguards. Similar to finance, these play directly into your organization's finances as a whole. We suggest only having one or two users with these permissions.