Flex Offers | Creator Terms

Creator terms are the foundation upon which agencies, brands, and creators build their business relationships, ensuring that all parties operate within mutually acceptable parameters. These terms generally define the project's scope, the agreed payment terms, and any rights that the company receives in the content.

With Flex, you will find it's a breeze to extend an offer and provide the creator with tailor-made terms. This article offers a comprehensive breakdown of each section of the creator terms, coupled with some invaluable insider tips from our expert team. Each default within the creator terms can be customized by an Organization Admin in your organization’s settings. 

Please note: All creators will agree to IZEA's Master Terms for Influencer Marketing (the “Master Terms”) when accepting an offer through Flex. These Master Terms govern the relationship between creators and marketers and are in addition to any terms set by the marketers for each campaign. Master Terms may be amended by the Special Terms section described below. 

Review Deadline

The review deadline is the timeframe in which the creator's content must be submitted to the marketer for review. Available options are 1-5 days, n/a or custom dates with 3 days being the system default.

Pro tip: Give yourself enough time counting backwards from the date the creator's content needs to be published to allow time for review and revision. We suggest at least 3-5 business days.  

Payment Terms

Payment terms set expectations for when the creator will receive payment for services provided in connection with a campaign. Most creators are accustomed to being paid either 30 or 45 days from when their content is published on the agreed-upon social platform(s). You are, however, able to set your own reasonable payment terms. Available options are Net 30, 45, 60, 90 and custom, with Net 45 being the system default.

Content Usage Terms

Available options for length of licensed use are 12, 24, and 36 months, perpetual, or a custom term, with 12 months being the system default. This will grant you use of the content for the specified time period based on the usage rights you have set with the creator. 

Pro tip: There are many different types of content usage rights; however, the two most common are Limited License and Owned. Limited license is the licensing type that is typically granted for use of a creator's content where the creator retains ownership of the content. 

  • “Limited license” refers to content that has been produced by a creator or influencer (Instagrammers, bloggers, etc.) which lives on social media platforms and is licensed to the marketer for a period of time. For example, if a creator produces content for you pursuant to a mutual agreement, which you review and approve, this content published on their social media platform(s) would fall under the limited license usage right. This type of content requires attribution to the creator. You do not own this content.
  • “Owned content” is content that has been generated by a creator (illustrators, journalists, etc.) and is yours to use as you wish. For example, if you have engaged a creator to produce an infographic, an illustration, or even research and ghostwrite an article, the creator will produce this requested content for your campaign, and then you may publish or modify this content at your discretion. Owned content is not posted by a creator, and ownership rights belong to the marketer. No further fees or permissions are required. You will own the copyright in this content.

Paid Media

Paid media is content that is promoted through paid placements like video ads and sponsored social media posts. If your offer includes paid media, the creator will allow you to promote the content they have created for you on applicable social media platforms using the platform’s guidelines and through Ads Manager or similar administrative access. Available options are Yes and No, with Yes as the default. 

Exclusivity Period

Exclusivity prevents the creator from rendering services of any kind, directly or indirectly, for any of your brand's competitors for a set period of time. The exclusivity terms have been prefilled, however, they can be edited from your organization's settings. You can also set up custom usage terms by selecting Custom. You can specify which competitors the creator is prohibited from working within the Competitors field. 

Pro tip: Many creators will charge more if you are asking for long exclusivity periods. This is due to the fact that they may have to turn down offers from other brands to adhere to the terms of your offer. 

Special Terms

Special terms are any additional terms you would like to include in your offer to the creator or any amendments to the standard Master Terms as described above. Special terms can include items such as product purchasing, event attendance or travel.