Flex Content License Types

When uploading content in the IZEA® Flex platform there are a number of licensing types that you can choose from to categorize the usage rights for such content. This helps to easily identify which types of content can be used for other marketing initiatives. 

Creative Commons

A Creative Commons license allows you, the marketer, to redistribute, to create derivatives and even use the publication for commercial activities, provided that appropriate credit is given to the creator and that you indicate whether the content has been changed.

Limited License

Limited license content is content that has been produced by a creator or influencer(instagrammers, bloggers, etc.) which lives on social media platforms. For example, if a creator produces content for you pursuant to a mutual agreement, which you review and approve, this content published on their social media platform(s) would fall under the limited license usage right. This type of content requires attribution to the creator. You do not own this content.

Open Source

Open Source licenses allow software code/programs to be freely used, modified, and shared. To be approved by the Open Source Initiative (also known as the OSI) a license must go through the Open Source Initiative's license review process. We most likely will not see any content created by our creators with an open source license. 

Owned Content

Owned content is content that has been generated by one of our creators (illustrators, journalists, etc.) and is yours to leverage as you wish. For example, if you have engaged a creator to produce an infographic, an illustration, or even research and ghost write an article, the creator will produce this requested content for your campaign and then you may publish or modify this content at your discretion. Owned content is not posted by a creator, and ownership rights belong to the marketer. No further fees or permissions are required. You will own the copyright in this content. 

Public Domain

This includes content to which a creator has relinquished all rights (unlikely scenario), or for which copyright protection has expired.  There are no limitations of use for content that is truly in the public domain. 

Unlimited License

An Unlimited license gives marketers full access to redistribute, to create derivatives of, and even use the content for commercial activities, without giving attribution to the creator. The creator still has ownership and can license the content to other marketers as well.